Saturday, November 15, 2008

Cattle Sorting Video

Back in March, Huginn and I attended a Cattle Sorting clinic. Yes...a long time ago! HA! The trainer was my friend Chris from SRBA Farm. Huginn and I had such a fun time! Huginn loved ...LOVED sorting the cattle, towards the end he really got into it, pinning his ears and all. What a hoot!


Huginn and me, after the clinic. He's all sweaty from the hard day of fun work.

Is Huginn CUTE or what??!!! I love my pony!

Here's our YouTube video

What sort of fun things have you done this year?


  1. that looks like fun! glad you and your pony had a good time!!

    I moved this year; that was fun, and I had a visit from a dear friend from when we used to live in Montana; that was fun and fantastic :)


  2. What a wonderful variety of horses. Did I see a small draft working in there? Looks like everyone had fun.


WOW! Thanks, you made my day! Doggie & Pony kisses sent! Please come back....real soon.